Sideon said it best...
"It's like HAVING to have sex instead of WANTING to have sex. Ya know?"
I'm fairly certain I will still post on my blog daily, considering how much I love to. I have really enjoyed meeting new people on this forum, and look forward to many great times ahead.
Let the good times roll!
PS ~ if I actually win a cool prize from their drawing over on the NaBloPoMo website, forget what I just said.
Congrats!!!!!! You are quite the ambitious pumpkin....
ReplyDelete"s"W, I'm hoping you picture me like a Marilyn Monroe pumpkin!
ReplyDeleteor a Drew Barrymore pumpkin.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't really mind if anyone considers me a Drew Barrymore pumpkin. That's cool too.
ReplyDeleteSML: Congrats! Here's hoping you win a fabulous prize! I, on the other hand, will probably end up with a bill charging me for excess bandwidth usage or some stupid thing. That's how my luck swings these days.
ReplyDeleteJanet, if I can't be lucky enough to win, I hope that you're the winner. Heck, I hope we BOTH win.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone who posted, daily or not, is a winner.
ReplyDeleteSML - thank you for the enormous contribution you created to the blogosphere by getting folks jumping on the NaBloPoMo bandwagon.
Can we do a group hug AND dessert, now? What about a beer-brewing or wine-tasting party?
Sideon, I love your idea. You don't know how much I enjoy hugs, especially with dessert. Dessert rocks. Haven't tried wine with it yet...
ReplyDeleteAll ya'll in blogville have made this waste of a day tolerable, manageable, and even likeable. Thanks for the great posts, comments, and reflections.
ReplyDeleteI sound like a fookin' alcoholic, but I'm going to pop open a beer and kick back. My beeyotch meter is still in the red... and I need a serious chill pill.
"Today was a total waste of makeup."
I want someone to MAKE ME have sex. Seriously. I also love blogging every day. If I didn't bitch about my wife's knee-length underwear to someone, I might literally explode. Pete parts EVERYWHERE.
ReplyDeleteI like Pete's idea about HAVING to have sex. I propose that December be: NaBloMoSex month. Each participant MUST have sex every day - they don't necessarily have to post about it (ew! Some things I just don't need/want to see/read about!).
ReplyDeleteLet's put the best kind of Big Bang back into December.NaBloMoSex - you know you wanna.
I may have to blog about this idea.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea. I'm up for it, but I may need some of the other bloggers to pitch in and help
Sideon is full of great ideas here.
ReplyDeleteI like the group dessert idea too.
Maybe we combine all the ideas and have sloppy group dessert every day.
I also like Pete's idea.
ReplyDeleteNo offense, Bishop, but I'm gonna need some of the ladies to be in on this :)
ReplyDeleteOK, count me in. There had better be some Better Than Sex Cake included in this dessert free-for-all. Or was that "sloppy group dessert?"
ReplyDeleteSideon, "Big Bang" is what you're calling it? That's awesome.
And as for the not wanting to see/read about the sex....what's WRONG with you? Without details, what's the point?? :)
ReplyDeleteThat's the idea you had that I liked.
I think we need to put this "Better than sex cake" to the test.
ReplyDeleteI've had better-than-sex-cake and let me tell ya, it's pretty darn good.
ReplyDelete**grin** I posted a possible icon thingee for NaBloMoSex.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations !!
ReplyDeleteI was contacted by one of my loyal readers and advised that debauchery was the order of the day over here and that I must offer my input.
ReplyDeleteI must say, not a moment too soon. I am calling everyone participating on this thread to repentance.
For the Lord Joseph said that sex should be for reproductive purposes only. Once every 10-11 months should be plenty for anyone.
I pray for the souls of each of you. Please take care and be responsible patrons of your earthly tabernacle.
Molly the Mormon