May 2, 2008

Yo, Keith!

Here's a shout out to my brother, Keith, who is in town for work for just over a week. He's my sibling I know perhaps the least, and I'm so damn glad for this opportunity to get to know him better. He's been coming over and hanging out with me after work, and it's been great fun.

Already he's teased me for being like our beloved Madre when I've called him my son's name and when I said three names before getting to the right one when talking about one of our siblings. We've had some great discussions and some serious laughs as he showed me his favorite website on the internet:

We sat there laughing for almost an hour at the part labeled "Craptions" where funny pics are posted and people can submit captions to the pics.

I'm really enjoying getting to know my awesome brother better. His birthday happens to be this week also (a source of pain for him, being away from his friends on his great "drinko de Mayo" birthay), so I hope that being with us isn't too much of a let-down. Perhaps we can think up something suitably un-tame to do so he'll feel more at home!

Heh. Imagination going wild

1 comment:

  1. Yo Keith! What an incredible opportunity for him to get to know his awesome sisters, too! Oh yeah...did I forget his nieces and nephew???? I just wish I could be there with you all...I truly miss you all and know you are having a great time, cause you all have such crazy senses of humor! Oh my...aka Madre....P.S. Happy Birthday soon, Keith! Muah
