December 12, 2007

If I were free of all fear, I would...Guest Post #1

If I were free of all fear:

I would:

Not worry about how much money there is (or isn't) in my bank account and just live

Climb up the steep, metal-grate stairs to the top of the old powerhouse with you to watch the fireworks from the edge of the roof during winter carnival

Have a real orgasm, not fake one after just a few minutes because I am scared to let my husband know how long it really takes me to come and it's been so long now I just can't tell him I have always faked...


  1. Wow. *hugs* to you my friend... who ever you may be...
    I have this saying that I tell myself from time to time when things get stressful and it feels like too much, I simply remind myself that me stressing over it, won't change anything then I let it go. We've all been there, with the money issues. When I was pg with my oldest child, we had no money. It was a very stressful time because I was very ill (medical condition) and I had to quit my job when they put me on bedrest. It took some time to adjust to one income because we had been spending frivolously during the time I worked. I used to crave nachos, so I would search for change in the sofa and dig through drawers. A very sad time when you can't afford $2 for a fast food craving... I so know how hard it can be. Trust me.
    And about the orgasms... I need an address so I can send this woman a vibrator. No, I am NOT kidding. Consider it a Christmas present, I am spreading the love... you can email me your address anonymously and it will be on it's way. No one should go through life without experiencing a mind blowing orgasm.
    It is especially helpful when you are stressed out... yeah, I know that from experience also. *mwah* Hang in there.

  2. One should never fake an orgasm. That takes all the fun away. I think you are overdue for a serious talk about this issue with your partner. Everyone deserves a satisfying sex life.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh man, can I pitch in on that vibrator? You just need to feel an incredible orgasm once, and you'll never settle for less. Just saying.

  5. I'm glad you shared this post, it was daring and beautiful. I feel for you on the orgasm issue. I like the vibrator suggestion, it may help you to orgasm during sex with your husband more quickly. I would also perhaps tell him from now forward that for some reason it's harder for you to orgasm so he can try to help you to...without saying that you've been faking all along, perhaps make it so that it's a "new" occurrence you need him to know of. I don't know. That is a tough one.

    Thanks for sharing here with us on my blog. I love your raw honesty.
