September 21, 2007


Guess whose passport showed up in the mail today!


  1. la dee da dee dah!!! She's off to Paris to see us!!!

  2. *squealing* November will be here before you know. Sigh. I would loooove to go with you.

  3. So your passport arrived today. Good thing you got an early start on the paperwork.

  4. Oh I'm with Cele. If you only knew...I'm so happy for you and it makes me even more determined to save up and go.

  5. Tari ~ you know it! I'm pretty excited.

    Cele ~ I'm not trying to make anyone envious. I wish everyone I know could go too!

    LB ~ I'd love if you could come too!

    BR ~ I was frankly surprised it came already. The lady at the passport application office said that I was pushing it, because my departure date was within the 12 weeks they say it takes to get a passport to me. Whew! I almost paid the $60 for expedited passport creation, and I'm so glad I didn't!

    JA ~ A goal like that is only a good thing!

  6. Yay! I'm looking forward to it...

  7. ummmm,

    YOUR PASSPORT did!!!

    What do I win?

  8. Wry ~ me too! I can't wait to see you!

    CV Rick ~ um, you win a gold star?

  9. I have to stop putting this off and get my passport too! Now you all have passports and I'm at risk of being held up by French police with my stupid Swedish ID.

    Got to go downtown this week!

  10. Wow! Can't believe you made it through the paper work nightmare!! Soooo jealous!! Take pics and share!

  11. I am so envious I could cry... Then again, I just got back from a trip & traveling with a big belly & toddler don't mix. I'll be avoiding flights for a while.

  12. Ok, now we just need to get Gen with the program!

    But yeah, you got it quick, girl!!!
