June 21, 2007

Vegas was great, but. . .

I'm still way excited for the exmo get-togethers I have scheduled for tomorrow in Salt Lake City.

I'll be posting about Vegas very soon. It was such a good time. I do have one small question, however. How on earth can people stand to live in heat like that?? I don't think I could live where, were my air conditioner to break down, I could literally DIE if I couldn't get it fixed immediately. Yikes.

I've missed keeping up with blogs while on vacation.


  1. When I was younger I loved the heat. Now it just makes me move like an old tortoise. Er and I get cranky.

  2. For one thing, we live in places of heat in a very unnatural manner. We try to force a "common" living arrangement upon our environment rather than just adapting. It's very inefficient. In the hot desert, it'd be better not to box ourselves up in oven-like houses that have to be cooled with massive energy outlays . . . we should live in the shade, near water sources, keeping cool through daytime inactivity, catching breezes when possible and drinking large amounts of water. We should live in structures that take advantage of natural shade and wind patterns. We should hunt, farm, fish, explore in the cool of the nights and migrate away from the heat during the summer months.

    But that's my rant, not yours.

    I hope you have a great time meeting the ex-mos.

  3. Glad you had a good time! Safe travels on your adventures!

    If I think about it too much, I'll get sad and depressed and fling myself to the floor, knowing that I'm missing a grand gathering in SLC this weekend.

  4. I'm glad you are enjoying your vacation so far and I hope you all have a ball in Utah at the get-together!!

  5. You step out of the car and it feels like the life is actually draining from you.

  6. I went to Vegas in late August a few years ago. Everyday it was 109 degrees. Our little rental car barely kept us comfortable as we motored from Downtown to the Strip. What I remember most was even at Midnight the asphalt was still radiating massive amounts of dry heat. I have been outside when it was 30 below zero and I must admit I perfer 30 below zero to 109 above zero.

  7. I've only been to Las Vegas in the fall and spring. We visit every May, and it's already hot enough that I wonder how anyone could be there during the summer. I figured that people just stay in their own casino, and only venture out at night.
