March 11, 2007

If you want a good laugh...

These are my two favorite commercials of all time. The creator(s) of both these are genius. Pure genius.


  1. Oh yes...I needed a good laugh! Doug always laughs at the flame thrower one and I'd never seen the DQ one! What a riot! Thanks, it brightened my already beautiful day! aka madre

  2. Oh mi gosh, two comments.

    Commercial one, I loved the first one in this series, I'd not seen this one yet, but thank you for sharing, so good.

    Commercial two. I've gotten my finger stuck, not once but twice, in my beaters. The worst part was I was laughing so hard I couldn't get it unstuck. The ex tried to help, that hurt like an SOB. The indentation stayed, for almost a week.

  3. Ha Ha, those are hilarious. You sent me into a coughing fit!

  4. Oh thank you THANK YOU! for posting that first DQ one. I've only seen it once on tv and have been wanting to see it again ever since. Too freakin hilarious!!!

  5. Hheheheeeehheee, tickled me silly. I'd forgotten how much I miss american commercials. Those are truly hilarious. Wow, I didn't know that DQ still existed, haven't seen one is years.

  6. I'll not be satisfied with these damnable YouTube clips for much longer, missy! Start writin!!

    (What irony? I myself would *never* go for, say, three full weeks with nothing new to post.)
