January 16, 2007

Sum Wun is hilarious

Well, I popped over to visit Sum Wun's Blog, and found that he'd posted about the Kama Sutra just because I'd commented on his previous post that I'd like to see what he'd have to say about it.

He did not disappoint. The poems he wrote are great, and the pictures he included are awesome, especially for those of us with LDS baggage heritage. Check it out! If you're afraid of x-rated pics, rest assured Sister Mary Lisa would never lead you astray and into Satan's grasp. (Not HERE, at any rate).

Oh, yeah, another previous post of his worth reading: The Old T-Bone.

Let me know what you think.


  1. Hehe... I loved it!

    SML, do you mind if I add you to my blogroll?

  2. Supernova, I'd be honored to be added to your blogroll. Thank you!

  3. Thanks much, SML! You've been officially added to my blogroll now! :-)

  4. I liked "The Old T-bone", it was hilarious! Thanks for the tip, SML!

  5. Great blog find! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Do they really sell clothes with those ads?

    Poem number three was especially, well er, special.

  7. Yes, SML, Sum Wun was very well hung and is giving me a bad case of blog envy.

    For those of an uptight upbringing, maybe it should have been renamed the Kama Sutra, the Lotus of Levi Love.

    And Cele, of course they sell all those clothes with those ads -- who wouldn't want to buy some clothes that would allow you to be so uhh, flexible.

  8. That is funny! Especially "The Old T-Bone." Hee hee.

  9. Wanker, I'd love to be that skinny again...when I was that flexible :)
