January 24, 2007

Calling All Blogaholics

It seems that another Blogaholics Anonymous meeting is in order.

Hi. My name is Sister Mary Lisa and I've been addicted to blogging for five months now. I get home from work and immediately sit down at the computer and check for replies to my comments out there. I check my favorite blogs for new writing, like a weak heroin addict looking for a fix. I've been blogging since August, and I love it Love It LOVE IT more each day. I have found my voice, and want to (over)use it.

I think I owe my family an apology for being an absentee member of the family...

And yet, I don't have any desire to quit blogging. I'm seriously considering looking into getting a laptop so that I can continue blogging and interacting with all my friends here, while also being with my family in the same room vs. being in the computer room alone, submerged in my fascinating world of blogging.

Sorry I didn't bring any doughnuts to this meeting like I promised.


  1. Hi Sister Mary Lisa! Welcome to the meeting.

    I am close to being a blogaholic. I usually check my blog continually during work and check stuff when I get home and right before I go to bed.
    I usually have 3 hours with D every night and usually spend time at the puter after he goes to bed.

  2. Sideon the Blogaholic, reporting to duty!

    I've been blogging about a year now, but was reading blogs for several months prior to starting my own. It feels like it took me a long time to find my voice and my own pace, but interspersed were moments of angst about boring, offending, or mildly entertaining people. Is it okay to mention the times I was consumed with the traffic numbers (or lack thereof)?

    You know you've got it bad when your road trips or vacations or conferences MUST include internet access. I highly recommend a lap-top - a great way to be involved with the family/dinner/conversations and still keep up with your fave blogs.

    Scott's at the point when I can mention particular Blogaholics and he knows exactly which one I'm meaning - he's vicariously hooked, too.

  3. It's a must that your computer is in the same room as the TV. There's no way around it.

  4. I am so hooked too, and I've only been at it about a month! Now that I think about it...yesterday was my one month anniversary! Whoo Hoo!! I check the blogs all day long. I'm so glad that I got into it since I am a SAHM and need SOMETHING to pass the time...(I can only play with Barbie's for so long!)

    Oh, and I want a laptop too!! I want to be able to take the internet with me ANYWHERE! And I want to be able to sit my ass in front of the tv and blog while watching my favorite shows...how freakin lazy is that??

  5. Rachel, I need to take your example and spend more hours with my kids after work...

    Sideon, I'm glad you're able to share blogging with Scott. I don't have that sharing at home.

    Simeon, is that how you blog too? On a laptop?

    Michelle, I'm glad you're hooked as well. We all take comfort in knowing we aren't alone.

  6. Hi, I'm Genilimaa, bloggers call me Gen.
    I've been blogging since 1 October 2006, this is my first time with the blogaholics.
    I'm totally hooked, the blogging world is amazing and I'm never going back! It's just mindblowing to be able to take part of what others will share, all over the globe. And to have guests, commenting over at my place, that's just just -- woaah! (another mindblow).

    I brought some cloudberrys and whipped cream. My mother picked those in the wetlands of Swedish forests, but I never get to treat anyone at home because my husband hates the small seeds inside (like in raspberrys, only bigger).

    Cloudberrys, anyone?

  7. Gen, you know I love cloudberries, if you are the one who brought them. I've never tried them, but have yet to find a berry I don't like. Someday I'll be over there, and we can eat them til we're sick!

  8. How do you keep track of which blogs you commented on to see if anybody comments on your comments?

  9. Oh my, don't you look pretty today!

  10. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late...so sorry I'm late. Everything Sid said, except my name is Cele and I've been reading blogs for, wow at least two years. I've been making people suffer through my own blogging for about seven. Thank you for those who stop by from time to time and say hi or leave a comment. Especially to those of you who leave a dialogue. I LOVE IT, Oh, Joy Joy Joy!!!!

    er, excuse me. Wow, look cloudberries, too scrumptious. Thanks Gen.

    Psst - I look at my addiction as a trade off for Ducky's compulsive TV viewing. It's not a problem unless I have a problem with blogging, and I don't so it's not a problem. Oh, Cloudyberries yummm

  11. Mattman, by checking back every three seconds, of course!!!

    Genilimaa!!! Thanks so much for creating my awesome Avatar to use on my profile! The resemblance is uncanny! You rock!

  12. Cele, aren't the berries awesome?? Thank God SOMEONE brought treats. I'm a terrible hostess.

  13. Matt, I check back constantly. (all 15 blogs I read) Community (and comelling thought) is why we become blogaholics.

    Yes, the berries are devine, and Lisa, you look rather radiant today.

  14. compelling, I shouldn't write with food in my mouth, so rude.

  15. Hi, my name is Janet and I'm a blogaholic.

    WHAT!?! NO KRISPY KREMES? Oh wait, there's cloudberries. Well, that's probably better for me anyway. Can I have extra cream with mine?

    Okay, so I've been blogging since... well, a while. But it's been really bad lately. Ever since that whole NoBloPoMo thing, I've been blogging and posting daily. Some days, more than once a day. I just can't seem to stop.

    Recently, I added StatCounter to my blog and that's becoming a side obsession. I really like the map feature the best.

    Anyway--I'm just going to go over there and sit in the corner with my laptop and my cloudberries and check my blog stats... Don't mind me...

  16. My name is Amy and I'm a blogaholic. I told my husband I spent $2000 on a new laptop for him because it was graduation gift, but the TRUTH?

    The TRUTH is... I was tired of having to share the computer with him. Now I can check my blogs without being disturbed by him wanting to check his email.

  17. I think I'm well on my way to being a blogaholic! I blog religiously and regularly, and have been reading blogs for years! Considering that I already have a laptop, it makes it all that much easier! As for the comments part, I love it!!!

  18. I'm back. I couldn't help it.

    I want some of those donuts.
    Or Cloudberries.

    Or both.

  19. This is the third time I've checked your blog today for an update...yep I'm hooked! I wish I had a portable server, damnit! But just think there are worse things I could be addicted to...oh, yes, I forgot about attending those meetings as well! :)

  20. I have a Dell dual core 17" laptop and love it. A laptop is definitely the way to go.

  21. My name is belaja and I guess I am a blogaholic, but I really don't NEED to be at this meeting because I don't have a problem and can quit any time I want to. I just don't want to. I mean, I haven't hit bottom or anything yet. I mean, yes, I almost pooped my pants the other day because I was ignoring the urge because, you know, I kept refreshing Jer's blog page to see if he'd updated his exit story. But that could have happened to anyone.

    Really, I just came to tell you that I commented on your comment on my blog and you should go check it out.

  22. Hmm, I see what is happening here Bloggers Anon! Pass the cloud berrries, please!!

  23. I must confess too... I'm a blogaholic. Oh & for the last few days Ebay is also on the list of addictions (that one is more expensive & must be stopped).

  24. Hi, I'm also a blogging addict. I started out as a Bulletin Board addict, but I've moved on to blogs.

    How can anyone not be addicted to this lifestyle?

  25. Blogging.

    Everyone's doing it.

    You know you want to.


    (still laughing at belaja's comment)

  26. Hello everyone, my full name is Elder Twine M. Wanker, III. I am a blogaholic. I can't stop. Whenever I start to think about blogging I sing a hymn, but all I can think about is the ripe "b" and the succulent "g" and "lo" and behold, I'm back in blog land.

    I've tried tying my hands to the bed post at night, but I can't help but stroke the keys until those pretty little letters start to spray across the screen. It feels so good to type to myself.

    As much as I like blogging by myself, as I've grown into blog adulthood, I've found that sharing my blog brings me more pleasure than simply doing it by myself. I've also found that the more I share my blog, the bigger my blog gets, which seems to fill some inate male desire to conquer.

    I can't help but think of Chuck Palahniuk's book Choke right here, because in that book the sex addict goes to Sex-aholics meetings to hook up. I'm so glad that nothing so crass as that is going on here at Blogaholics.

    We are all here to simply repent and get over our addiction. Thank you for all the love and support.

    I say this comment in the name of Sister Mary Lisa, Amen.

  27. Even with the computer in the same room, you are still zoned into it, so you miss a lot. That isn't stopping me from getting my own laptop as soon as that tax rebate check comes in! Just because the computer is in the tv room and we already have a laptop doesn't mean I don't deserve my own. I need it to blog without interruption!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I have to get this off my chest:

    I don't even sleep in anymore. I get up at 6 a.m. just to read blogs...

  30. You guys have seen my sidebar, and I read 'em all!!!

    (I have a complex rotation schedule... ;-) )

    So if ever there's a post (like this one!) where I don't comment on the first day it appears -- don't be fooled into thinking that it's because I have a life and am out doing something else or something... ;-)

  31. Yeah, me too. Whatthefuckever. Like it's a bad thing or something?


    I highly recommend the laptop in the living room. It doesn't make you more involved with the people in that room, but at least your body is there. It kinda works.
