December 14, 2006

All I want for Christmas...

This appeared on our table this week from our 9 year old daughter:

My Christmas wish? You know what I want. You know. See me if you need a reminder, Santa.


  1. So what do you want for Christmas?

  2. Don't you love the creative spelling of children? No really, I'm serious here. I think it's so cute when kids do that. Enjoy it while you can, you'll find someday that you miss the cute misspelled words. My oldest no longer misspells -- if she does, it's more like an adult misspelling. Those are different.

  3. That's so cute!
    My daughter was almost in tears, not wanting to go to her grandparents for Christmas. It turned out she was afraid that Santa wouldn't be aware of this temporary change of address...
    My husband offered to write a letter together with her, to clarify her whereabouts to Santa.

    Now we can all look forward to going!

  4. I love this! I long for the days when I believed Santa Claus was real and Christmas was magical. I wish I'd never been told that Santa is Mom and Dad.

  5. Too adorable Lisa. I saved several of my daughter's list to Santa and placed them in a scrap book for her when she graduated high school.

  6. I want a Red Rider BB Gun!

  7. Gen,

    We had that problem too. My daughter wrote a note to Santa to let him know where she was going to be for Christmas, and Santa left her a "Thank You" note back. Since that year, she has written to Santa every year. This year, her notes are already written, including one to Mrs. Claus asking her to say "Hi" to Rudolph.


    You'll shoot your eye out!


    Too Cute! I hate not being there this year.

  8. My daughter got a letter back once from Santa, and has taken to HIDING THE NOTES SHE WRITES, because she knows Santa's magic will help her find her note. It's AWFUL!!

  9. 4 of 6 things being asked for on that list have to do with video games, I like video games too - but they do cause mass laziness. Get a Nintendo Wii - very interactive.
