I've really been enjoying many of the blogs I've discovered in my recent search for truth about the Mormon religion as I knew it and as I now know it. What a sudden surprise to me to discover that what I thought I knew and what really happened in Mormon history is so different. I'm speechless. It's been a great growth period for me, way different than I expected. Did I say expected?! As if I expected I'd one day come to work and have my world shift under me so hard. Although it's been difficult, I wouldn't change one thing about this awakening and journey. Wow. I will compose a new paragraph soon to describe my sudden change of perception...
I'm totally new at this blog thing, and I hope I can figure it all out quickly. I'm very impressed by much of what I've read, and I look forward to getting to know you (and myself) better.
I'm totally new at this blog thing, and I hope I can figure it all out quickly. I'm very impressed by much of what I've read, and I look forward to getting to know you (and myself) better.
I'm really excited for you and your own self-discover! It's a wild ride, for sure. But I'm with you: even with pain and hurt, I wouldn't trade my life for anything right now. I feel authentic and excited!!
ReplyDeleteNow on to your other posts... ;)
La, you describe it well. I'm also feeling authentic more than ever before. Like suddenly my life has meaning beyond what I ever felt before. I love the feeling. I can't sleep! I think about it all the time! I'm worthless to my family as I devour the cool blogs I've discovered. I never get on the computer at home so now my husband and son alread know I have a blog. My husband will probably read mine when I'm not around, and respond to me under a fake name to see what I say ~ HI DART!, and my son will be shocked if he ever finds my blog and reads it. I'm hoping JLO gets back on so I can ask him how that goes, explaining to teens. Yikes! But it's impossible to regress and convince myself that I can maintain a facade that I don't feel anymore. It feels so strange and new. I've never felt like this before.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to outer blogness. Recovery isn't easy, but it's the only way to be honest with yourself.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the one true way, Mary. ;]
ReplyDeleteYou remind me of exactly how it felt when I first realized that it really was a fraud. Wow, that was only five months ago, and things continue to change so fast.
Best of luck, and keep posting.