August 24, 2006

I love my dog!

Is he not the cutest wiener dog you've ever laid eyes on?!


  1. I'm laying eyes on a pretty cute wiener as we speak...

    OH, you said DOG! Yeah, he's cute too. ;)

  2. Oh, and hey. Weekly Anamnesis doesn't work with internet explorer. I don't know why. You'll have to use Mozilla or something in order to view it properly.


  3. Well, my wiener is a piebald (red and white) her name is Freckles and we got her last Christmas. She has a christmas bulb on her back...when I saw her I Knew it was meant to be!! I love any wiener!! Yours is cute!! My wiener is currently single...She enjoys long moonlit walks and freshly served purina Proplan!!

  4. I really liket his picture. I'ma gonna do an illustration of it...

  5. What an adorable little guy! I've grown up with dachshunds (my parents have had four in the last thirty years or so.) Currently, we have a nine year old black and tan named Toast.

    As soon as I get back on my feet employment wise, I'm hoping to get me a little guy. They're just too adorable and loyal for words.

  6. Every family needs a good dog. Im glad that dog found you guys.
